VIII. ORDER SLIPS AGAIN: Every issue of TVia car- ries an order slip and price list as the last page. PLEASE cut this out and use it. When filed it gives me something to go back to in case of misunderstand- ing or problems about an order. I can't file letters and every kind of note etc. on which orders come. This is for your protection, so please help me in this way.

VIII. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME: Some of you can not or do not want to keep issues of TVia or of the Mirror after reading them. If so, don't throw them away, send them back to me. We will then send them out for free to some who do not have the money to subscribe or to Doctors or others who seem interested in the subject.


PIRATED EDITIONS AGAIN: It has been brought to my attention that pirated editions of TVia has ap- peared in several new locations around the county. I would like certain information if any can supply it. Pirated editions can be identified as they are bound like a magazine with an inside central staple where as TVias, with the exceptions of #'s 7, 8 and 9 are square bound like a book. The reprints are usually duller in color too and have a poor reproduction of the color picture. I would like to know a) which editions are on the stands, particularly if any of #16 or after have been copied; b) how much they are charging for them; c) whether the Chev. Pub. name and copyright notice have been removed or is still on the outside back cover; d) if the proprietor will let you examine one unwrapped I'd like to know if the subscription in- formation on the inside back cover has been left there; e) if he will tell you the name of the disbributor he bought from. Tell him that you are thinking of going into the mail order business on magazines and books and are trying to find some sources of merchandise; and f) the name of the shop and its address-- owner's name too if you can find it out. Any assistance given in this regard will be appreciated. If I can trace it down to one central point I can do so nething about it legally.


